Episode 199: 3 Tips to Find Calm in This Chaos

Game On Girlfriend Ep199

When things feel so uncomfortable, when the unimaginable is happening, when we feel it’s hard to concentrate, I want to share some things you can do to really support yourself.


We've had other episodes about that, but I think this one's going to be a little bit different. I do want to give you a couple of things you can be doing immediately to help yourself stay on track and have you feel a little bit better when you're searching for calm in this chaos

How to find calm amid the chaos

This has been a crazy time in my life, from friends and family who've lost loved ones, my father's health condition, going back and forth between the coasts, and launching so many things. We're in the middle of the Abundance Academy launch. We're launching the heart centered sales DIY course, and next week is our 200th episode of the podcast.


So how do we continue to, as an old boss of mine used to say, “chew gum and walk at the same time” when it feels like there are so many things going on?

Tip 1: Move Your Body

When you are feeling stressed out, move your body. It can feel counterintuitive whether you're mourning, you’re in shock, or you get this urge to pace around the house. It's an interesting phenomenon all throughout our history as humans – people tend to run more in crisis.


It was tracked in a book called Born to Run. World War II? People start running. Anytime there’s a war, people start running. The economy takes a turn. People start running. The reason is the need for cortisol and adrenaline to move through the body. That takes water and movement. (And you don’t have to run – you could walk around the house.) It really does help move those chemicals through your system when things feel so unsettling.


Tip 2: Don’t get your news from social media

We know that we are being micro targeted on social media. (If you don't believe me, do a fun test. DM one of your best friends that you think you're pregnant, and watch how long it takes for pregnancy test ads to show up in your feed. It's within seconds. Why? Because you're being micro targeted.) The algorithm knows what it needs to do to keep you engaged.


Now, the rub here is AI obviously is not human, and it doesn't know if what it's giving you is good for you or bad for you. No recognition of that at all. It just knows what will keep you scrolling. And most of that will tap into your cortisol, your adrenaline, your anxiety, your fears.


Any time you feel lonely, those things will just absolutely get attacked. Not because AI is malevolent, but because it knows it will keep you there longer. The other thing that is so egregious about this is that lies will spread seven times faster than the truth. Get your news from a generalized source that's not micro targeted to you; you will probably feel better, and you'll be able to stay informed.


Listen: How Long-Term Fear Affects Your Brain

Tip 3: Dive into your purpose

When it feels like the world has gone crazy and we're not quite sure how we want to participate or what we can do, the best thing I can tell you to do is to dive into your purpose. I know some people might think, “that feels so selfish.” I absolutely get where you're coming from if you have that response 100%.


I'm going to make a really blanket statement, so hang on to your hats and glasses. The world is like this because women don't have more money. I know that's a very strong statement for me to make, but I mean it.


Women wouldn't treat each other's children like that. We need to be at the tables where decisions are being made. We need to have the influence to change certain events. And if that's in your community, in your family, in your immediate tiny circle of friends, chances are you need money to be able to do that.


The more that we scale that, and the more we get money in the hands of more women, the less frequently we will see situations like we're all experiencing. What's happening in the world is not a soccer game. There are not sides. There are humans. There are people. There are people who love. People who care. People who are scared and people who don't know what to do.


And diving into your purpose, whatever that is, makes someone else's day better. And the more we have happy, fulfilled, beautiful humans on this planet, the more we will all be able to support those who are not having that experience.


I hope this helped you realize you're not alone. If you're feeling stuck or troubled or upset, you are not alone and it is a call for all women to scale. We need the voice of women on this planet, and we need it now more than we have ever needed it.

Remember you’re not alone

Over the next week here from Team Sarah, you're going to be hearing a lot about our Abundance Academy, which I'm so honored to be launching. We're going to be having a virtual retreat so people can participate from all over the world. I actually think we are spanning the entire globe, which I'm so excited about.


If you are feeling the pull, if you are feeling like you are alone, that there is no abundance, that there is only scarcity and fear, I want you to come and join us. I am hosting free workshops in October, and I want you to come join us. I want you to break through to the other side. I want you to know there are other people out here who are all working to make this world a better place. And we need you too!


Let’s get to it!

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