Heart-Centered Sales with Sarah Walton

The sales training for coaches & creators who love what they do, but don't want to be "salesy."

It's time to dramatically increase your sales!


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Learn how to write highly converting sales pages, LOVE discovery calls and SELL every time you send an email, from the industry's best, Sarah Walton.

Make a great living, doing what you love.
(Without all the slime and tactics.)

This straightforward, easy-to-follow course will help you increase your online sales, FAST.

This is where heart-centered business owners come to write money-making sales pages, social media that drives sales and email that converts.






Let's be honest...
If you don't learn how to sell, you won't be in business for very long.

And that sucks. Because you created your business for a reason, but without healthy sales, that reason will fade. 

Hit publish on your sales page only to hear crickets?

Social media feel like a massive waste of time?

Getting on a discovery call make you feel sick?

With a few simple tools, you can remove one of the biggest challenges new business owners face ... NOT ENOUGH SALES


You probably started your business so you could spend more time with the people you love and get away from that coffee-breath boss who drove you nuts...

...you wanted to use your talents and passions and be proud of the work you do every day.

And then... GULP.

You realize you have to actually SELL in order to survive.

You need discovery calls to be easy.

You need to make money every time you send email to your list.

You need to see an ROI on all that time you're spending on social media.


The answer you've been searching for is here: My Heart-Centered Sales Method.

For the first time ever, I'm offering it all in ONE course.

I break it all down for you.

Ditch the fear and replace it with how.

Listen to me:
Sales is just a skill.

It's like tying your shoes, making a killer pumpkin-spice latte or riding a bike.

You can learn how to do it.

Imagine more customers, less time and total freedom in your business - all because you fell in love with sales
Imagine more customers, less time and total freedom in your business - all because you fell in love with sales
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Imagine watching your business grow, booking that vacation, giving yourself a bonus and knowing it's all because you chose to learn the skill of sales.

You have all the power right now, to create your future.

Almost 20% of new businesses fail within the first year of business, and 45% during the first five years.*

Understanding why people buy (and why they don't) can make sure you don't become a statistic.

*U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Being great at what you do and being great at selling what you do are not the same thing.

There's a lot of hype out there about how awesome it is to own your own business, but not that much about HOW to grow it successfully.

You have everything you need to be wildly successful at sales, and this course will show you exactly how.

Learn the exact steps to sell with heart, keep your business financially viable and make a great living doing what you love.

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Heart-Centered Sales



• How to write a HIGHLY converting sales page
• The top 3 objections (and how to overcome them, FAST)
• How to sell something EVERY TIME you send an email
• Create Social Media posts that drive sales, making you more $!
• Ask for testimonials that SELL FOR YOU

You'll also get my exact sales script, the script I use to sell my 4 and 5-figure products. Discovery calls? No problem! (PLUS I'll teach you how to get more calls booked!)

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BONUS: "The Emotional Side of Sales"

This is my SECRET SAUCE (serious little black book stuff here!) to selling with ease.

It's called "The emotional side of sales".

This ONE video launched 100's of women into profitable sales, FAST. Women report making MORE SALES IN A WEEK than they have in a year after watching. It's a gem - and it's yours for FREE when you purchase Heart-Centered Sales.

(This is ONLY offered here! You won't see it anywhere else.)


I've increased business revenue, year over year, for 15 years straight - and for the FIRST TIME, I'm sharing how I've done it.

Learn this skill once and use it for the rest of your life. 

What’s inside the course:

Module 01

What Sales Is & How It Works

Maybe you’ve been scared to sell in the past, because you didn’t want to appear pushy or “salesy”. Or maybe you’re just starting out in the business world and none of this sales stuff makes sense.

In this module you’re going to learn exactly what sales is, and what it's not. [Hint: It’s not your brand colors and it has nothing to do with manipulation.]

Learn how to:

• Connect with your customer at an emotional level so they're HAPPY TO PAY YOU
• Bring people to your door by mastering the TWO MAIN SALES DRIVERS
• Write a compelling offer that brings the PERFECT customer to your sales pages


Module 02

Attracting The Right Customers

In order to sell with ease, it’s critical that you know who you’re selling to. This helps your perfect customer know you have the best solution for them. And it ensures you’re working with, and selling to, people you want in your world.

In this module you’re going to learn how to let the right customers not only know you exist, but be excited and happy to buy from you because you know exactly how to speak to them.

Learn how to:

• Repel the WRONG customer - saving you THOUSANDS of dollars in lost time and revenue
• Overcome the TOP 3 OBJECTIONS with ease, so you can make more money
• Ask your favorite customers for killer testimonials that SELL FOR YOU


Module 03

How Marketing Drives Sales

Ever felt confused about the difference between marketing and sales? That’s so common and completely understandable!

They go hand-in-hand, but they are distinct. In this module you’ll learn the difference between the two, and how to use marketing to attract your ideal customer and enjoy easier sales.

Walk away with:

• My exclusive calendar that makes marketing a BREEZE
• Your PERSONAL business story that connects, compels and grows your business
• The art of "seeding" - this little insider trick brings customers to your door READY TO BUY - with JOY


Module 04

Content That Converts

Ever stared at that blinker on a google doc and wanted to have your head disappear into your desk? That won't happen any more! Armed with the power of knowing your perfect customers, your brand story and the psychology of great selling under your belt, writing content that converts will feel easy-peasy.

Find your perfect platform (and no - you do not have to dance on Instagram or sign up for whatever new thing is out there now!), and connect with your customers.

Walk away with:

• Social Media posts that DRIVE SALES
• Emails that make you money EVERY TIME you send
• Sales pages that BLOW THE ROOF OFF your revenue expectations


Module 05

The Tech of Sales

In this online world, having the right tech tools by your side is a game-changer. You don't need to struggle or wonder or try everything your best friend has tried.

You'll get the exact tools for top tier business owners selling in the online space, without the high price tag or the "how the heck do I use this?!" headaches.

Learn how to:

• Capture sales with EASE
• Use the right call scheduler for your business needs
• Marketing & email platform analysis and breakdown - making your decision easy-peasy


Module 06

Scale & Grow

We've all seen the "easy come, easy go" businesses out there. One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is thinking they're "done" when it comes to growing who they are as a person.

This module is my "secret sauce". This is where the rubber hits the road in your business. It's critical that you have the strategies you need to succeed at sales, but if you don't grow who you are in your business, you won't grow your business, either.

Walk away with:

• The exact steps to grow your reach and influence
• Unshakable confidence and self-trust (especially as your business grows!)
• Consistency challenge that will KEEP YOU ON TRACK for years to come


You deserve to run a successful business.

Learn the skill of sales once.

Use it for a lifetime.


Business Mentor, Author, and Speaker

Meet Sarah Walton


Sarah Walton is the founder of The Money Mindset Course, an interactive course designed to transform our relationship to money, the Business Accelerator for entrepreneurs and about-to-be entrepreneurs, and Better Way Moms, an online magazine for moms.

Before leaving corporate America to support other women full-time, Sarah spent her 15-year career navigating the corporate worlds, where she managed and P&L worth hundreds of millions of dollars, worked closely with Marianne Williamson, mentored dozens of women, and balanced motherhood at the same time. As her career progressed she was frequently the only woman in the room as the executive team made decisions for customers, product development, financial projections, company direction, and company culture.


Knowing that women play a crucial part in the overall health of our communities, it was the Dalai Lama’s quote “The world will be saved by the Western woman” in 2010 that really sparked a deep passion and began to drive Sarah’s work.

When she decided to leave corporate, she found a whole new world inside the culture of entrepreneurs and the amazingly creative drive women bring to the economy and our society.

She knew her extensive business background would help her serve entrepreneurs as they strive for their dreams.


In a quest to make sure women are empowered with every tool needed to fulfill on the Dalai Lama’s promise, Sarah founded her companies and started creating events, workshops and courses.

Through her companies, and her Redefining Success Events, she now speaks around the nation, offering her courses, products, and workshops, all designed to inspire, inform, ignite passions, and bring the power of femininity forward.

Her focus is on taking better care of ourselves, developing a healthy relationship to money, creating challenging goals, and learning how to lean back just as often as we lean in. Her companies have become known and trusted brands around the world and one of her businesses was recently featured on The Today Show.

She is a mother of two and lives with her family in New Jersey.


Your business success hinges on your ability to sell. It's time to turn that fear into power.

This 6 module course will take you from "How do I do this?" to "I write highly converting sales pages, LOVE discovery calls and I sell EVERY time I send an email."


Heart-Centered Sales

Highly converting sales pages? DONE.

Discovery calls? EASY.

Email that SELLS (every time)? YEP.



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