Work With Me
Let’s Change the Way You Run Your Business...
It's time to Kick Some Assets!
If you're ready for more, you're in the right place!
Sprint With Sarah
One Goal. One Month. A Coach by Your Side!
It’s time for you to finally … Launch that podcast. Book that media. Write that book.
You don’t need more free webinars, more courses, or more time to overthink.
You need to get into action and see results.
During the laser focus of The Sprint, I work closely with incredibly talented women like you who are ready to shift their business lives and step into their power as true changemakers.
After working with thousands of women, in both groups and one-on-one, I know what it takes to make your big dream a reality right now.
You deserve to have what you want.
I designed The Sprint to help you achieve those desires.
Effortless Sales
It’s time for you to make serious money.
Perfect for healers, coaches, and experts who are ready to amplify their impact and their income.
So here’s the deal with selling:
Very few people were born with a magical selling gene, but we certainly know those people who think they were. We see them jamming up our feeds—and it is nasty.
But what if selling didn’t have to be like that?
I’m on a mission to help generous people like you become happy, financially solid business owners by teaching you to sell with integrity and joy. You’ll realize every single sales call, email, or new sales page is an opportunity to positively change someone else’s life.
And that means sales can actually be filled with joy.
Yep, sales can be a joy.
EFFORTLESS SALES is a three-month group coaching program designed to fast track your business from “No one knows I exist!” to “OMG, I’m totally booked!” by teaching you to sell from the heart, pour more love into your work, and share your gifts with the people who need them.
Have you ever thought:
“How can I feel my worthiness to help others and create impact?”
“Sales just feel gross. How can I grow my business if I hate selling?”
“What on earth do you say that grabs attention and doesn’t make me sound like a used car salesman?”
“I don't understand how to move from small talk to sales without making people feel weird.
How long am I supposed to wait before I start selling?”
“How can I learn how to talk about my product with the passion I actually feel about it and in a way that makes clients hire me?"
You’ll get the answers in Effortless Sales.
Learning to sell is getting out of your own way so you can do what you’re here to do: help people.
In Effortless Sales, you’ll learn to sell from abundance, which means trusting yourself and what you deliver.
You might not realize it, but your clients and customers are already out there. They already exist. The market already exists. The money is already in circulation. And there’s a lot of it out there.
And listen, sometimes people truly can’t afford to work with you. That’s real. I don’t believe in pressure sales, and I don’t teach it.
So if you’re ready to look at sales in a brand new way, join the waitlist and be the first to know when we open the next cohort of Effortless Sales.
1:1 Mentorship
Here’s what I want you to know …
And I mean LOST!
I’d just left my high-paying executive position, my 401K, my health benefits, all of it.
Even after so much career success, my confidence was at an all-time low as I opened my laptop, day after day, totally baffled about what to do first, let alone what to do next.
Now, after over a decade of hard knocks, endless experimentation, and reading and studying ad nauseam, I created the 1:1 mentorship I wish I’d had.
This high-touch, intimate growth experience is for you if you’re ready to:
Take that nebulous idea you have for a business and start earning income.
Identify what’s not working in your business and get on track toward the results you really want and need.
Take your business and life to the next level with ease, joy, and revenue.
After searching for a coaching program just like this one, I’ve helped thousands of women from different industries find and enjoy success on their terms.
Whether that’s six-figure months while spending more time with your kids or mega-mogul dreams of weekly international travel, you can love your work — and I’ll show you how.
Freedom in your business is here!
Make the revenue that allows you to exhale.
Download my FREEDOM CALCULATOR and discover how much your business needs to make so you can finally be FREE.