Episode 13: To-Do Lists Are So Last Week

Mridu Parikh

In this episode, I sat down with productivity expert and founder of Life is Organized, Mridu Parikh.

spent almost a decade as a Professional Organizer, in-home and coaching clients
around the world.

Mridu helps ambitious women go from overwhelmed and overloaded to in control, (and confident that nothing will fall through the cracks), so they can thrive at work and at home.

Given where we are at the time this episode is being released, I thought it would be really helpful to all of the moms who are suddenly home-schooling, attending video conferences, trying new recipes and managing this new normal.

I love Mridu’s approach to doing “all the things” she really focuses on doing those things that feel the most rewarding to you. That helps you keep you involved and engaged in the task at hand.

I’ve been talking a lot recently about how we’ll have a
“before” the virus and an “after” the virus perspective on life. Much like our
ancestors did about World War II, they were always very clear about life
“before the war” and “after the war”.

The more we go through this, the more I think we’ll have a
similar view. As we edited and planned to release this episode, at the beginning
of week 2 of our own quarantine, it was abundantly clear to me already, that
this was a “before the virus” interview.

So I’d like for you to listen to it that way as well. Listen for what life was like for you before we started this quarantine, when Mridu and I talk about all the “dings” and “beeps” that can make us feel so distracted, notice if that’s still happening for you.

Have things changed a little bit? Does it feel the same for
you? How can you apply what she teaches us to how you’re living now and the
distractions we’re facing now?

Also, there’s a section in this interview where we talk
about scheduling in time for yourself. You may not, at this time, have
appointments to run to, or sports schedules to keep up with, but chances are,
no matter when you’re listening to this, you’re taking care of a several people
who rely on you every day.

Make sure you take a few minutes every day to recharge,
breathe and remember how strong you are.

Now, my hope more than anything else, is that you’ll connect with Mridu’s commitment to helping women live amazing lives, no matter what we’re facing.

She’s got a heart of gold, she’s whipsmart and she really
cares about helping you live your best life.

As promised, you can click here to grab her 21 killer hacks to stop feeling overwhelmed.

And you can purchase her book, Accomplish It: 7 Simple Actions to Get the Right Things Done and Achieve Your Goals by clicking here.

Want more fun with Mridu and I?

Check us out on her podcast Productivity on Purpose where we talk about "5 Barriers that keep you caged".

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