Episode 66: Why Your Message Might Be Getting Lost & What to Do About It
The timing of this interview has me jumping up and down. I’m so happy to bring you, Dr. Megan Fisk, because Megan’s on a mission to elevate soul-led entrepreneurs’ voices in communities throughout the world.
Why? Because your message matters. And you learning how to tell it, is your responsibility if you’re up to a big game.
In our conversation, she talks about exactly which talks you need to have prepared, (so you can share them off the cuff when you need to!) And how you can structure them to be truly effective and actually connect with your intended audience.
Oh, and that was one of my favorite things about our interview … she emphasizes the importance of your audience over what you say. Listen in for that piece because it’s key to being a successful speaker.
We also talk about how men and women communicate differently and why that is. Honestly, this was the number one reason I wanted Megan on the show, because I wanted to make sure we all understand our inner workings and how to use them effectively.
Especially when you want to learn how to speak in public.
It doesn’t matter if you are amped up about your message. It’s imperative that you know your audience so well that what you say matters to them when you speak.
Megan works primarily with coaches, teachers, and healers to use public speaking as their main attraction marketing strategy by consistently going live, speaking on podcasts, and being part of summits.
As a Gemini with a Ph.D. in Communication. She uses her 10 years of experience as a college professor and her intuition to demystify her clients’ speech crafting process to build confidence, motivate audiences of all sizes with their message, and earn more revenue.
Also, one of the other things I love about Megan’s message, is that she really does believe you are your unique selling point. Your experiences, your stories, Y-O-U.
Your authentic message is at the core of your being. It’s a bit scary to say out loud, and it seems a bit too much and totally gives you butterflies.
Being 100% confident in your core message will unlock speaking opportunities, save you hours of preparation, and attract your dream clients to you.
So, take advantage of Megan’s offer to help you discover your core message, just click here, and you can get started.
Megan’s work comes directly from her heart, and as a result, she helps more entrepreneurs discover their stories and actually share them.
You may have heard something like that before, but it’s a whole other experience to feel someone actually live that truth.
So pop in those earphones and listen in.
If you’d like to keep in touch with Megan, you can check her out at the following links:
Website: www.Drmeganfisk.com
Public Speaking for Soul-preneurs Facebook Group
Facebook: @drmeganfisk
Linked In: @meganrakae
Instagram: @drmeganfisk
Don’t miss last week’s Episode 65: 3 Things To Ask Yourself as Our World Opens Back Up