Episode 271: You are Deserving of Wealth This Year

Game On Girlfriend Ep271

Why do we pull back from stepping into the awesome current that is currency? Do you know what women do with money? Do you know how awesome we are when we have money? Your clients are already here. What are you waiting for? Step into who you are and let them know you're here. Dealing with money is no different.

It is my birthday episode. And today I'm celebrating a big one! Yep, 50th birthday. I have some girls’ trips planned, and those of you that are joining me for the Reimagine Your CEO Life Retreat in St. Bart's, we're going to keep the party going there, too. So this is a beautiful year. I am so excited, and I can't believe that I'm entering my fifth decade on planet Earth

Here's what I'd love to share about the lessons I've learned over this last year and also what I think is so important for all of us as we step into the roles that we are here to do. Because we are all deserving of wealth and abundance.

You are deserving of financial wealth

I grew up Mormon, I’m not anymore. But that experience of being raised inside of an organized religion had some very negative impacts on me and some very positive ones.


So, the negative ones, we know what those are. Anytime we start to organize or try to contain spirituality, it doesn't seem to go well for humans. But on the positive side, what I learned was an understanding that the universe is a friendly place. And I think I knew that at a very, very young age, there was a sense that there's always someone looking out for us.


Nature wants to constantly evolve. The planet is always healing or trying to. Our bodies are always healing or trying to, and those are scientific facts. So when we look at what we're here to do, why would that spiritual connection be any different? Why would that not want to expand and grow as we expand and grow?

This is what I've embraced mostly over the last probably three or four years; I've really stepped into owning what I'm here to do. I truly believe that it is time for women to step up into our power. And at this moment in time, it's really increasing our financial wealth.


I want you to watch what just happened to your own body when I said the words “financial wealth.” What happened? Did it feel dirty to you? Did you wince?


I want you to ask yourself something: If I don't alter my relationship to money over the next year, what will the next two years look like? What will the next three years look like? What will the next five years look like? And I want you to get really honest with yourself.

I do an exercise at conferences where I hand a $100 bill to the front row of people, and they pass the bill from person to person until it comes back to me. In all of that transacting, did the $100 lose any value? No. And what did it do on its journey? It brightened the life of every single person who touched it along the way, and then it always comes back.


So, over this year, my challenge to you is to really heal your relationship to money. And what that's going to take is you healing the need to be liked, you healing the need to be understood.


One of the gifts I want to give you on my birthday, on my 50th birthday this year, is I would love for you to find a childhood photo of yourself from ages 2 or 3.


I want you to look at that child and I want you to tell that child it doesn't deserve wealth. That child is not deserving of love. I want you to look at that child. Tell that child she can never succeed in business. She just doesn't have what it takes. I want you to look at that child and tell her that making money has to be hard. Tell her she doesn't really deserve all of the success and the joy and the happiness that she desires because she's just not good enough.


Watch what happens to you.


What will happen as you see the beauty of that little one is you will start to understand that of course you are deserving of everything that you want on planet Earth. And it doesn't matter what it is that you want; you deserve to have it simply because you want it.


You were given your desires because they are yours to have. I don't want the same things you want, and you probably don't want the same things I want. I want to make sure that I help as many women as possible make as much money as they would ever want.


Because I know the women that are attracted to me and that want to work with me understand that that money is just flowing through them. It's just being borrowed for a little bit until they decide what to do with it, and then it moves on and it goes to someone else.

Currency flows

We're lifting up where the money goes. We're saying the money does go to feed this many people. We're saying the money does go for clean water over here. We're saying this money goes to take my family to see parts of the world most people don't take the time to see. This designer has the most beautiful, exquisite clothes, and I want to make sure she gets paid for that. We get to say where it goes, but we don't keep it.


We have emergency funds and we're taking care of ourselves. But when the emergency arises, where does that money go? Well, then it goes to the other people who help you when you need it. Maybe what that means is we feed more people. Maybe what that means is we help doctors re-evaluate and restructure the way healthcare happens in the United States of America at a time when it's needed most.


But we can't play at that level if we're pretending like we don't deserve it. We can't play at that level if we allow all the things that other people put on top of that little child that you're going to look at that picture.


All of their hidden agendas, all the things that were poured on of them, all of their life experiences that they poured all over you without your permission, your consent or even you knowing. We can't play at that level if we continue to pretend we don't deserve to. So my gift to you on my 50th birthday, is that we are elevating this year. We are stepping into worthiness. We are stepping into deserving. We are stepping into power.


I cannot wait to see what magic you create, the lives you change, and how differently you start to feel as you walk through your own life over the next 365 days.

Mentioned in this episode


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