Episode 247: “I Can’t Make That Much Money!” With Molly Claire

Game On Girlfriend Ep247

Limiting beliefs are everywhere, and they can sound very subtle. They can sound like, I'm too old to do that. I should have done that by noon, and now it's 2 p.m. I can't make that much money. That’s a big one, and today's guest goes deep as she shares her own personal story about how much money she didn't think she could really make.


Molly Claire is a Master Coach Instructor and founder of Holistic Master Coach Training inside The Masterful Coach Collective.


She helps coaches develop superior coaching skills so they can guarantee results for their clients, while designing a simple, profitable business model. She believes that you can coach more, market less, and create the ideal quality of life you desire.

Journey to coaching that breaks women’s limiting beliefs

Molly says she was born with entrepreneur blood. As a kid, if she wanted something, she had to figure out how to earn the money. In adulthood, she was a stay-at-home mom, but was always looking for the thing -- the thing that is going to allow her to use her gifts and help er feel alive and help others, and also have that balance in her life.


Molly found coaching at a crisis point in her own life. She had three kids, and had just been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. She was depressed, her marriage was struggling, and she couldn’t be the person she wanted to be. Molly did a coaching session and it blew her mind.


“It was like a very surreal experience, and I remember thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, this is really something.’ And number one, wow, there's more possibility in my life. And number two, this is something I want to do. I want to help other people have this experience,” says Molly.

What are limiting beliefs

Molly says we all have limits because we have perceptions of the world. We have these ways that we see what's possible and what's not. We could all think today about what things you believe that you are limited in, just in small ways. Then ask yourself, is this really true?


“We're really limiting our ‘what's possible’ all the time. And as an entrepreneur, if someone is struggling to believe that they can reach a certain level in their business and then they do. Guess what? They still have limits that are there for the next level,” says Molly.


When Molly works with coaches, she looks at the four fundamentals of effective change: cognition, emotions, nervous system awareness, and action-focused strategies.


Molly says a limiting belief she overcame in the past dealt with money. At the time, she was launching her business and going through a divorce. With three children, she wanted to provide well, but she was terrified of finances. Her own coach asked her, “well, why don’t you just make as much money as your husband does?”


The question was absurd to Molly. Her answer, a limiting belief, said to her, “Well, I can’t because I’m a woman.”


“I didn't want to believe that that was there. I didn't want to claim it. And yet there it was, clear as day that I had a belief that as a woman, I could not make as much money as a man,” says Molly.


She started collecting evidence that her belief was a lie. She found women who made more money than her husband, meaning her goal to make $250,000 was possible.


As you’re collecting evidence, it’s important that we pay attention to who we're listening to and what we're giving credence to, and who we're hanging out with. The narrative really does start to become part of your normalized conversation.


Brene Brown said, if you look for evidence that you won’t fit in, you’ll find it. But the opposite is also true. If you want to find evidence that you're good enough, if you want to find evidence that you can have a profitable business, you'll find it.

Creating a profitable business

Molly says before you do anything with your business, you have to get crystal clear on what your ideal life and business vision is together.


“As women, when we are building a business and we believe that our business and our personal life are in conflict with each other, it lends itself to us always feeling spread thin, overwhelmed, guilty,” says Molly. “I should be here. I should be there. It's not useful. What I believe is that your personal life and your business are two parts of a bigger picture, which is your ultimate way of existing and living in the world.”

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