Episode 111: How Can You Market Yourself Better?
About once a year I love to ask the beautiful women on my newsletter list what they’d love to learn from me. I’ll literally ask: “What’s the one thing you want to learn from me?” Or “What’s one problem I can help you solve?” It’s my favorite email to send out, and OMG the responses!…
Read MoreEpisode 103: How Can You Master Challenging Moments?
OMG, you guys. I got handed a serious piece of humble pie this morning by my running coach. I’ve said it many times, and I swear I mean it: None of us is special. And holy cannoli, if I didn’t get a reminder of that today. Over the last few months, I’ve taken up running…
Read MoreEpisode 102: Tired of Failing? Learn How to Win the Day
Ugh. I just can’t do it anymore. It’s too hard. It’s too big. I’m just not like anyone else. Have you ever heard yourself saying crazy things like this? (And yes, don’t even try to argue with me — they really are crazy.) Heaven knows I’ve been there. If we’re really honest, we’ve all been…
Read MoreEpisode 91: How to Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need
We’re about to hit the fun season of “Buy this!” “Don’t wait — order now!” and “For today only!” messages. Honestly, in our society, it’s pretty funny to even call it a “season.” Because while it gets a little more intense toward the end of each year, we live with it all the time. You’re…
Read MoreEpisode 87: Is It Ok to Be Happy Right Now?
In working with my clients and students over the last few months, I’ve noticed a trend. A lot of people are feeling really worried about the future. The pattern of feelings seems to go something like this: I feel strong and ambitious and excited about my plans! Well, maybe I don’t care that much because…
Read MoreEpisode 83: Upper-Limit Problems: How to Recognize Them & What to Do When They Hit
Game On Girlfriend Episode 83 Title Graphic
Read MoreEpisode 82: How to Ask Your Way to Success
Have you ever found yourself saying something like, “I really want to make more money.” And then you don’t? Or how about, “I really want to quit this job that I hate.” And then you don’t. Or maybe even, “I really want more love in my life.” But Netflix and popcorn are your closest friends?…
Read MoreEpisode 80: Your Business Is NOT a “Hobby”
This one is for all you animal lovers out there! Oh, and for all of you who have friends who are crazy in love with their pets, you’re going to want to listen in. If you’ve been searching for a great gift for a dog lover, or you want to have a beautiful picture of…
Read MoreEpisode 77: Why Your Day-To-Day Conversations Matter
Our day-to-day conversations are POWERFUL. They can dictate our days, weeks, and months — ultimately, they can shape our lives. It’s true. When I moved from Utah to California and then to the East Coast, my conversations changed from topics like “Who has the cleanest house and best-behaved children” to “How fit are you,…
Read MoreEpisode 76: Write Like a MOFO
What would you say if I told you that “writer’s block” isn’t a real thing? I know, so rude, right? I mean, what one earth can we blame all those stalled days and weeks on if we can’t blame writer’s block? Well, when I sat down with Jacq Fisch for this podcast episode, she ripped…
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